The season finale of Fire & Flame is about suspicious smoke, a rescue mission for headaches and dizziness, an exercise on a factory site and a burning compost heap. A caller alerts the fire department. Clouds of smoke are rising from a window in an apartment building. It is believed that there is still a person in the apartment. Concerned employees dial "112"; their colleague complains of headaches and dizziness; he is very ill. The fire department sends the emergency services. There is an explosion on a Thyssen-Krupp factory site. Caustic soda is leaking, several fires are spreading rapidly and one person is missing. Fortunately, this is not a real operation, but an unannounced large-scale exercise. A huge compost heap is burning in Bochum-Langendreer, the cloud of smoke is visible beyond the city limits and presents the firefighters with a lengthy task.